Given the unprecedented impact of the spread of Covid – 19 across the world we wanted to provide details of how we are approaching matters as a Firm and, in particular, how we plan to look after our introducers and their clients.
All of our team have the tools and technology to work effectively from home and provide ‘business as usual’ level support. Most of the team already work from home on a regular basis and so our systems and processes are already set up for this purpose. We plan to limit staff being in the office to a minimum. In the meantime, we are also reviewing all processes to see if any can be further improved.
In most cases we engage with our clients over the phone and so we can, and will, continue to do this as normal. We are also providing training in non-advice related areas to other team members so that we have more cover in place should illness affect any particular member of the team. We are postponing any face to face meetings and visits unless they are deemed urgent from a time perspective and the right precautions can be put in place.
We all have a responsibility and duty to protect each other and our families so finally, whilst our “business as usual” approach to supporting both our clients and introducers is paramount, please bear with us if things take a little longer than usual.
Thank you as always for your continued support. If you have any other queries which we may not have covered, do please get in touch.