The will-writing industry has commanded a lot of press attention over the last few weeks. This is a result of a report published by the Legal Services Board Consumer Panel recommending that the industry should be regulated.
A key concern arising from the report was the poor technical quality of the wills. One in four of wills examined by the panel were found to be inadequate. It states “the same proportion of wills prepared by solicitors and will-writing companies were failed”.
Angus Houston TEP, Pavilion Row Ltd states that “The report demonstrates the strong need to standardise the level of qualification a professional needs to provide will services. This is something that I have advocated for some time.”
Will-writing forms part of the specialist area of trust and estate planning. Currently the only professional body in this field is the Society of Trust and Estate Practitioners (STEP) and true specialists in this area are members of STEP. Full members of STEP can be identified by ‘TEP’ after their name.
STEP has also recently launched an industry recognised exam for will writers providing a benchmark qualification in this area of law.
When looking for somebody to advise on and prepare your will Pavilion Row recommends that you use only a full member of STEP or somebody who has passed the STEP will preparation exam. A professional with these qualifications will be able to provide a copy of the STEP certification if requested.
Pavilion Row’s objective has always been to provide best advice to our clients therefore all our will consultants are STEP members or have passed the STEP will preparation exam.
For more information please contact Angus Houston, CEO Pavilion Row on 0845 634 4185
Note to Editors
1. Pavilion Row are specialists in the field of probate and wills. We provide probate and will administration services to professional introducers including solicitors, accountants and other financial professionals. For more information about Pavilion Row Ltd see
2. The Legal Services Consumer Panel full report on regulating will-writing can be found on;